Banana Fibre Pads Sanitary Pads made in Australia


Banana Fibre Menstrual Pads that are BIODEGRADABLE, COMPOSTABLE,
environmentally and eco friendly made from locally sourced raw material

I am Wendy Pluckrose, Founder of Banana Fibre Menstrual Pads and here is my story of my product creation.

Started back in August 2020 when I had a ‘light globe moment’ as a Volunteer (Shero) for Share the Dignity as Rochelle Courtenay, CEO and Founder, reported that our August drive for donations of sanitary items for our needy was down by 130,000 packets of items. I wanted to do something to help, not to fix, to help with the demand of our homeless and needy.

Today changes are being made to help heal our planet of all the damage that has been done to our oceans, waterways and air that we breathe. Disposable products really weren’t the way to go generations ago even thought it seemed a great idea at the time. Once upon a long time ago when I was young, products were strong and repairable therefore lasted a long time. Reusable products were a thing and it wasn’t unusual to see a butter container or a jar in the fridge being reused for leftovers or storage.

I wanted my product to be made up of materials that were already biodegradable, compostable, leaving no trace, eco and environmentally friendly, absorbent and comfortable. My research began with what, when, who and how as I felt I had found a market for my product. People are entitled to different options for managing their periods and my product is one of those options.

WHAT biodegradable materials are available?

WHEN can I start this production process, well ASAP

WHO menstruates can use my products

HOW much research, learning, trialling and experience to get the product right will there be?

To accommodate all demographics of our society who menstruate, reusable products are an option however, the needy were more of a disposable demographic and so it was at that point I got to work researching for information to bring my product to life.

Hours, days and months went by spent researching as I needed to find a way to make ‘biodegradable pads’ that were environmentally friendly as well as compostable. This is where Biodegradable Banana Fibre Menstrual Pads were born.

I visited local banana farms asking information and, in my quest, obtained some raw material to start my goal of producing ‘fluff pulp’ that would form a biodegradable, compostable, absorbent and comfortable fibre core in a pad for menstruating purposes.

Hours of research went into ensuring I had the answers and process to make this product. No nationwide information was available so I was starting from scratch. Perfection was the goal and I knew I could do it. Yes, I faced challenges and had moments of rethinking but I knew I could do it as YouTube continued to get a workout and more. Also hours and hours went into product design, trialling, research and development.

I knew my goal was reachable and realistic so I kept going, closer and closer…then the moment came when my goal was reached! Step by step, hurdle by hurdle I got there. With process/manufacturing expertise involved we got the technique right to bring you this biodegradable and compostable product, with the absorption and comfort.

BioNana Biodegradable Banana Fibre Menstrual products are made from natures ingredients. Vegan and without chemicals sourced from naturally farmed plantations. Handmade to ensure the best is delivered in our product that’s why Banana Fibre Menstrual Pads cost a little more than other menstrual pads. Beneficial to our environment because what we take, we return because we’re biodegradable and compostable.

Needy women won’t be going without,
the environment won’t be affected
My passion is fulfilled
I have the capability of serving charity